Nandina 'Lemon and Lime' (Heavenly Bamboo) 🏡 DIY Designs

Nandina 'Lemon and Lime' (Heavenly Bamboo)

🙊Shh, don't tell everyone, but I think this might just be the perfect small garden plant 🎉for all you low-maintenance, time-poor and novice gardeners.

Nandina 'Lemon and Lime' is the green form of the common 'heavenly bamboo' plant (most people know the common old red types, and not everyone's a fan of those ).

Growing to a nice, neat size of just 1m x1m size, Nandina 'Lemon and Lime is lush & leafy & reliable in both sun and semi-shade. Did I mention it's evergreen, so it'll even look good in the dreary winter months.

✅A textural, little rounded shrub with a limey green foliage colour that's the perfect complement to the smooth leaves and bold form of the super popular 'tractor seat ligularia' (Ligularia reniformis 'Giganteum') and the sculptural form of Philodendron 'Xanadu

✅Plant Nandina 'Lemon and Lime' at 900mm centres and it'll make a nice, leafy little low-maintenance hedge (perfect for when there's a 1m front boundary height restriction -  #milldale).

✅Becasue it's very drought-tolerant, once established, Nandina 'Lemon and Lime'  makes an ideal potted specimen too, ideal for patios, decks and balcony situations, or for placing in dry spots like under the eaves. 

I've been specifying this plant in my planting designs for a while now and it's proven to be a good, reliable performer, if a little hard to get at times. Surprisingly, it's usually available from the garden centre sections of Bunnings and Mitre10, but not at the garden centres 🤔!

If garden plants have you stumped, just  Follow me on Instagram for more great planting ideas and insights.