Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' (leopard plant) 🏡 DIY Designs

Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' (leopard plant)

What do you plant yours with?

I'm adding a few of these spotty farfugium to my own garden, popping them in my shady, under the 🌳🌴🌳trees garden, next to my tractor seat ligularia (Ligularia reniforis 'Giganteum' where they'll have companion plants of grassy acorus (Acorus gramineus ‘Aurea’ )🌾🌾🌾and golden toned 'creeping Jenny' Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'.

I was told recently that this spotted farfugium is more susceptible to slug and snail attack than the larger 'tractor seat' type of ligularia. I'm not sure if that's correct 🤔but either way, it's best to keep an eye out for signs of damage.

Damaged foliage can be removed just by snapping off the leaf at the base and new leaves will soon take their place. Ligularia and farfugium are moisture-loving plants so keep them well-watered and use a compost mulch at the base over the drier summer periods to feed them and help retain moisture. 

And yes, for those of you that picked up on my wording, there is a difference between ligularia and farfugium, but that's a post for another day. 

If garden plants have you confused or you just want to learn, FOLLOW ME on Instagram for regular insights, tips and tricks on plants, planting design & garden design in general.