Rosa 'White Carpet' (Carpet Rose) 🏡 DIY Designs

Easy Care White Carpet Roses

The wonderful thing about groundcover roses is that they are highly disease-resistant, simple to grow, and they flower almost year round. They're easy to maintain AND there's no need for any fancy pruning. Just cut back hard in early spring to promote prolific flowering. 

Unfortunately, in a time when everyone wants low-maintenance plants, carpet roses often get dismissed as too 'boring'. I say, there's no such thing as a boring plant - just boring plant design! 

Sadly, carpet roses are often used in uninspiring, old-fashioned ways. BUT you can give easily carpet roses a contemporary look by planting in large swathes and spicing them up with sculptural planting companions. 

You can create a stunning, easy-care planting by teaming Rosa 'White Carpet' (white carpet rose) with NZ native plant companions Muehlenbekia astonii and Astelia 'Silver Spear'. 

White carpet roses also team well with NZ  native rush Apodasmia similis commonly called 'oioi'.  This is a simple pairing that gives a contemporary look. 

If you want a more lush, look you can use white carpet roses below Nikau palms. Add a contrast of bullet-proof lime green lomandra and the large leaf form of Ligularia reniformis 'Giganteum'

Follow me on Instagram for more plant inspo and if you're stuck for planting ideas, check out my helpful plant combo guides. Each guide contains 30 pre-selected 3-plant-combinations you can choose from to use in your own garden.